Send a letter for 2024.IE14.4, on May 28, 2024 Infrastructure & Environment Committee

Here is the text of the letter. You may edit the letter to include your own comments if you wish.

Subject: My comments for 2024.IE14.4 on May 28, 2024, Infrastructure and Environment Committee

To the City Clerk:

Please add my comments to the agenda for the May 28, 2024, Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting on item 2024.IE14.4, Cycling Network Plan – 2024 Cycling Infrastructure and Missing Sidewalk Installation – Third Quarter Update

I understand that my comments and the personal information in this email will form part of the public record and that my name will be listed as a correspondent on agendas and minutes of City Council or its committees. Also, I understand that agendas and minutes are posted online, and my name may be indexed by search engines like Google.


Dear Members of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee,

I am writing on behalf of (the name of your organization)

I urge the committee to address the pressing pedestrian safety concerns north of Davenport Road on Avenue Road. The safety of pedestrians, including those using wheelchairs and strollers, along this hazardous stretch requires immediate attention.

The City’s Transportation Services conducted a comprehensive study of Avenue Road over a span of almost seven years. Last fall, the Avenue Road Safety Study concluded that the current conditions are unsafe and proposed several options to enhance safety between St. Clair and Bloor. Among these options is reducing lanes from 6 to 4 and repurposing the curb lanes to provide more space for pedestrians. The recent tragic death of cyclist Ali Sezgin Armagan at Elgin St. and Avenue Road has precipitated immediate action to construct bike lanes.

(include your comments here if you wish)

While we certainly support the construction of the cycle lanes between Bloor and Davenport, it is disheartening that meaningful measures to address the dangerously narrow sidewalks north of Davenport have yet to be implemented. The Toronto Police Service collision database reveals an average of 300 collisions per year since 2014 between Bloor St and St. Clair Avenue, with a disproportionately high number occurring between the CPR tracks and Davenport Road. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need for speed calming and improved pedestrian infrastructure in this area.

Emphasizing pedestrian safety, particularly for individuals using wheelchairs and pushing strollers, is crucial. The narrow sidewalks, less than a meter wide, must be addressed urgently.

I strongly urge the IEC Committee to direct staff to include the following actions in the upcoming report to TEYCC 

  1. Reduce vehicle lanes between Davenport and the CP tracks from 6 to 4 and provide turning lanes at Davenport and Dupont.
  2. Prioritize the two curb lines to create a broader and safer buffered space for pedestrians, including those using wheelchairs and strollers, and ensure it is not utilized for long-term parking.
  3. Maintain some loading zones and short-term parking spaces to serve local businesses.
  4. Implement curb extensions and radii reductions where needed to improve pedestrian safety.
  5. Install a new mid-block crosswalk between Davenport and Dupont at the entrance to Ramsden Park to provide a safe crossing in this busy area.

Emphasizing pedestrian safety, particularly for individuals using wheelchairs and pushing strollers, is crucial. The narrow sidewalks, less than a meter wide, must be addressed urgently.

Thank you for your consideration of the City of Toronto cycling infrastructure. I am confident that the committee will also recognize the importance of prioritizing the well-being of pedestrians in this decision-making process. The proposed actions are not just necessary, but they are also crucial for ensuring the safety and comfort of all pedestrians, especially those with mobility challenges.


(Your name)
(Your organization)
(Your postal code)

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